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Category: Eye Health

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What Are Scleral Lenses?

A contact lens case sits on a paper labeled "Scleral Contact Lenses," as a hand in the foreground grips a scleral lens suction tool, carrying a scleral lens.

The world of contact lenses extends beyond traditional soft contact lenses, which are loved and favored among many lens wearers.  Despite their popularity, comfort, and convenience, these soft contact lenses aren’t suitable for everyone. Fortunately, people with certain eye conditions can experience the same comfort and visual clarity offered by contact lenses, just in a […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Headaches

A person rubbing their temples with their fingers for headache relief.

Dry eyes may sound like a minor inconvenience. However, persistent dryness and irritation can significantly affect our quality of life by making simple, everyday tasks, like computer work, reading, and driving more difficult. Researchers are still exploring the connection between dry eyes and headaches. Currently, it appears as though headaches develop as a secondary symptom […]

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